Vincenzo Fano
Vincenzo Fano is Full Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science at the University of Urbino. His research interests are mainly in History and Philosophy of Physics and History and Philosophy of Psychology. His research has focused mainly on the problem of the relationship between mathematical models, experience and reality. Fano is author of Filosofia dell’evidenza, CLUEB, 1993, Matematica ed esperienza nella fisica moderna, Il Pontevecchio, Cesena, 1996, L’orologio di Einstein, CLUEB 2002, Comprendere la scienza, Liguori 2005, I paradossi di Zenone, Carocci 2012, Le lettere immaginarie di Democrito a sua figlia, Carocci, 2018. He is a full member of the Academie Internationale des Philosophie de la Science.