Cristina Amoretti is an associate professor in philosophy of science at the University of Genoa as well as a member of FINO, an inter-university PhD program. In the past, she has been a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Genoa and the ICT, CNR, Rome, and a visiting research fellow at the University of Malta, King’s College, London, the Rurh-Universität, Bochum, and the Technischen Universität München. Her current lines of research concern conceptual and methodological issues in the philosophy of medicine and psychiatry, with special regard to the role of values within scientific practices. She has previously worked on content externalism and the social nature of the mind. She has published numerous articles and chapters in international and national journals and collections, as well as several monographs and editorships, including Filosofia della scienza. Parole chiave (con D. Serpico, Carocci 2022) and Filosofia della medicina. Pensare la salute e la malattia (Carocci 2015).