The Italian Society for Logic and the Philosophy of Science (SILFS) established the biennial logic prize named “Ettore Casari Logic Prize”, which is aimed at promoting logical research in Italy. Scholars affiliated to any University or Research Centre based in Italy, irrespective of their role, nationality, gender, or age, are eligible for participation. 

The prize is awarded by an evaluating board appointed by the SILFS Steering Committee. The board will be composed of seven scholars in the discipline of logic. 

Applicants are requested to submit an original manuscript (not previously published) written in English, not exceeding 30 pages, on any topic that can be considered as pertaining to logic (by the standards of the international community of logicians). 

The prize consists in: 

  • a) the publication of the selected manuscript in the journal Logica Universalis; 
  • b) the payment of the participation costs (travel, accommodation, and registration fee) for the World Congress of Universal Logic;
  • c) the award of the medal “Ettore Casari for Logic”.

The evaluating board may elect to assign no prize if no submission is reputed to meet the required standards of rigour and originality. Applicants should submit their manuscripts by the 31st of January 2021, in a PDF format, to the following email address: pierluigi.graziani@uniurb.it.

The subject line of the application should be “Submission – Ettore Casari Logic Prize 2020”.

The prize consists of:

  1. The payment of the participation costs (travel, accommodation, registration fee) for UNILOG 2021 (Orthodox Academy of Crete, Crete March 28 – April 7, 2021) [https://sites.google.com/view/unilog-2021/].
  2. The publication of the selected manuscript in the journal Logica Universalis
  3. Award of the medal “Ettore Casari for Logic”.

The members of the evaluating board are: 

  • Giovanna D’Agostino (University of Udine), 
  • Silvio Ghilardi (University of Milan), 
  • Pierluigi Graziani (University of Urbino), 
  • Pierluigi Minari (University of Florence), 
  • Mario Piazza (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa), 
  • Giuseppe Primiero (University of Milan) 
  • Achille Varzi (Columbia University).

Download the call of the “ETTORE CASARI” LOGIC PRIZE – 2020 (Ita – Eng).

UPDATE 2021: evaluation result of “Ettore Casari” Logic Prize 2020

The Evaluating Committee of the “Ettore Casari” Prize for Logic 2020 considered all the texts received based on parameters such as compliance with the indications contained in the call for papers, the originality of the proposed contribution, its scientific quality, and the rigor and clarity of the arguments contained in the text.
Unfortunately, as a result of careful evaluations that considered the given parameters, the Commission did not identify any winners among the authors who sent in their applications and thus decided not to award the prize for the 2020 edition.

The Commission would like to thank all scholars who sent their contributions for participation in the present edition of the prize.

The Evaluating Committee of the “Ettore Casari” Prize for Logic, 2020 edition

Evalutation result